
Kick-off project on agricultural TVET in Indonesia


The project ‘Improving demand-driven vocational training & education in poultry and dairy in Indonesia’, also named SAS21: SMK Ayam dan Sapi 2019-2021 had its formal kick-off and first training workshop in Bogor, Indonesia, from 8 until 10 October.

On the first day stakeholders of the technical vocational training and education in the agriculture & food sector in Indonesia came together in Bogor to discuss the urgency, their specific needs and desires for vocational education in support to the dairy and poultry sector. Besides the Dutch partners (MSM and Aeres) and the Indonesian lead partner (the Vocational School of IPB University), all ten Indonesian vocational schools were present during the workshop. These schools are all located on Java, comprised of four polytechnics (in Mapena, Jember, Bogor and Banyuwangi) and six agricultural senior high schools, so called SMKs (in Bawen, Cibadak, Garut, Kuningan, Subang, and Lembang).  Furthermore, the meeting was attended by industry representatives, the Ministry of Education, the Chamber of Commerce and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Jakarta. In the morning the participants were able to be informed through speeches from representatives of the Dutch Embassy, Ministry of Education on Vocational Revitalization, and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry on the Role of Industry in Education - Competencies Required by Industry. Furthermore, the participants received an explanation of the triple helix concept by the project director Huub Mudde of MSM. The afternoon program included group work where five groups discussed and presented their views on the challenges and opportunities for the dairy and poultry sector in Indonesia. Additionally, the respective implications of these challenges and opportunities, and the role of the vocational education and the development of graduates in terms of competencies, skills and attitude was reviewed.

On the second and third day of the workshop, a smaller group consisting out of teachers from the SMK’s and Polytechnics received a presentation from Aeres on curriculum development followed by a group discussion and brainstorming session on curriculum development. They furthermore looked into an analysis of the poultry and dairy value chain Indonesia and the identification of important competencies for future students/employees. The group work and discussion advanced into the identification and selection of professional competencies and tasks. At the end of the third day the workshop was concluded with presentations and a closing ceremony.

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