
DBA defense: Local Food Procurement in Ghana’s Hotel Industry


On 29 March 2022 Mr. Yaw Junior Adu-Ampomah successfully defended his thesis titled “Local food procurement in Ghana’s hotel industry: A study of the driving forces, issue perceptions and procurement patterns”.

About the research of Dr. Adu-Ampomah
Combining both qualitative and quantitative data, this study found that the level of local food procurement in Ghana’s hotel industry is rather limited with most hotels buying their food at supermarkets and wholesalers that mainly sell imported products, while backward linkages remain weak. Hoteliers were critical about the reliability of supply of local food, pointing to issues of seasonality, quantity, and price of local food, as well as the quality of supply and their variety. Moreover, market-related factors like guest profile were also found to predict local food procurement patterns.

Hoteliers believed they had the full knowledge of local food procurement options available to them and felt responsible towards the issue. They also felt that engaging in local food procurement was a daunting task to embark on and assessed the cost-benefits of acting on the issue from the perspective of their guest profile. Quantitatively, it was found that perceptions of issue capability and issue salience negatively influence local procurement behaviour. This finding suggests that hoteliers prioritise issues other than local food procurement.

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