
Tailor-Made Training on Ecotourism successfully completed


On 16 December the one-year, Tailor-Made Training (TMT) in Armenia officially ended with awarding the TMT participants with their certificates in agritourism and the presenting of the specially developed wine map.

The TMT was executed by Maastricht School of Management (MSM) in cooperation with the International Center for Agribusiness Research and Education (ICARE). The aim of the training was on building the knowledge capacity of ICARE in ecotourism. Therefore, several experts traveled to Jeravan, Armenia throughout the year. Oliver Olson trained ICARE on the topic of Branding, Jakomijn van Wijk on research methods in agritourism and Naut Kusters taught the organization on sustainable tourism. These training sessions were the basis for the development of an executive training that ICARE can launch on the Armenian tour operator market.

Next to the executive education program on ecotourism a wine map was developed. Armenia is one of the oldest wine producing regions of the world and in this map 40 wine houses have been registered and have been mapped out for tourists. Through this specially developed wine map, tourists can easily find places to taste wine, accommodation and wine related activities in the area. Moreover, it will give ICARE the possibility to promote itself as a training and research actor better.

Dr. Diederik de Boer, Director of International Projects and Consultancies at MSM attended the presenting of the wine map and awarded the participants their certificates in ecotourism.

Nuffc Orange Knowledge Programme
This project is part of the Orange Knowledge Programme. Nuffic OKP contributes to a society’s sustainable and inclusive development by providing access to education and training for professionals and organisations in technical vocational education and training (TVET) and higher education. It is funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs as part of its development cooperation policy. The subsidy programme is managed by Nuffic, a Dutch non-profit organisation for internationalisation in education. It offers funding for long-term, demand-driven partnerships between Dutch knowledge institutions and organisations in 19 participating countries, as well as individual scholarships and Tailor-Made Trainings in all 53 selected countries. The € 195-m, five-year programme ends mid-2022, enabling tens of thousands to change their future. From the Dutch development cooperation policy, 4 priority themes have been selected on which to focus in the programme: Food and Nutrition Security; Water, Energy and Climate; Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights; and Security and Rule of Law. Cross-cutting themes in this programme are inclusion, employability and environmental sustainability.

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