
Meet MSM's Faculty Members: Introducing Huub Mudde


Maastricht School of Management provides scientific knowledge allowing managers and entrepreneurs to make evidence-based decisions. To achieve our mission we encourage and support our faculty members in a broad range of areas. MSM’s faculty members are passionate about what they do and tenacious in finding solutions to the toughest business challenges. Each month MSM will highlight one of its faculty members and this month the spotlight is on Huub Mudde.

Let me introduce myself…
My name is Huub Mudde and I am Senior Project Consultant and Lecturer in Institutional Entrepreneurship at MSM. I hold an MSc. in Sociology from the Wageningen University (NL). In addition, I have successfully completed the Marketing (NIMA A) and Public Relations NGPR (Vereniging voor Public Relations en Voorlichting) diploma programs.

Before joining MSM, I was coordinator of Euforic, Europe’s Forum on International Cooperation. Prior to this, I worked at the Information Department of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and was acting head of the Information Department of SNV Netherlands Development Organization. My key areas of expertise are strategic marketing, communication planning and vision development and I am experienced in fund raising for organizations working in the area of European and international relations. Furthermore I am involved in MSM’s MBA and MM degree programs as supervisor of individual students for their final project/thesis.

The research that I am currently working on…
Currently, I am pursuing my PhD at Maastricht University on ‘Entrepreneurial Universities in developing countries’ which enables me to combine my advisory work for and with universities in Africa, Asia and Middle East with academic research. I have made an assessment of universities in Ethiopia, Indonesia and West Bank and I am finalizing the chapters of my PhD thesis.

Two of my most recent publications are:

I advocate female talent development and allocate budget for training of women and sensitizing men..
A major aspect of my work is sensing new business opportunities and writing project proposals for MSM in emerging markets and developing countries. Once new work is granted, I – or one of my colleagues – are responsible for managing the project. At the moment, I am manager of several multi-year education and research projects on agribusiness in Indonesia, Palestine and Ethiopia. In most of these projects I also act as one of the experts on strategy development, entrepreneurship, communication and multi-stakeholder partnering.

Women empowerment is also a prominent aspect in my work which, I think, was originated from the beginning of my professional life. In the early nineties, gender became a key policy focus of Dutch development cooperation and I teamed-up with one of the leading Dutch gender experts at that time. Currently, I advocate female talent development in all the projects and purposefully allocate budget for training of women and sensitizing men.

The history of MSM has learned that project partners may evolve over time in strategic education partners. Because in projects we can test new ideas and services which could lead to an executive education training, a new custom made course, or even a degree program (the MM originated from a project in Zambia). One example is the executive education program on Entrepreneurial University Transformation which I have set up based on the knowledge I gained from the projects.

Personally I am more passionate about learning from people from others cultures..
I strongly believe that one can learn every day and from each person. Personally I am more passionate about learning from people from others cultures and that is exactly what I am doing at MSM; networking and learning from people all over the globe. For more than 25 years I have worked in international organizations, but by far not as international as MSM!

Where will I be speaking in the near future…
From 5 – 8 September you can meet and listen to me at the Triple Helix Conference in Manchester (UK). At this conference Dr. Yuzhuo Cair (Senior Lecturer & Adjunct Professor, University of Tampere in Finland) and I will be part of a special panel on the topic ‘Socially responsible entrepreneurial universities: theories and practices in different contexts’. I am a member the Triple Helix Association which is an international academic network researching university industry relations. The association was founded by Henry Etzkowitz who coined the concept of Triple Helix.

The people that I admire in life are…
The ones who have the guts to stand up and use their intellectual power to make a change. I am raised at the time that Apartheid in South Africa was still the legal system and Nelson Mandela was in prison. For me he is a true leader. In my own country I have learned from Jan Pronk, former Minister of Development Cooperation and Special UN convey for Darfur (Sudan). I see him as the intellectual leader of international solidarity, being always constrictively critical. Closer to home, I am proud of my grandfather who during the 2ndWorld War kept records of the locations where people were buried that had died while working on the Burma railroad. After the war, they could be reburied properly at war cemeteries.

In my spare time you can often find me…
I like gardening which is a bit like meditation for me: I manage to have a large variety of flowers from spring until autumn. After finalizing my PhD I want to start with music again. I used to play violin, but now want to take piano lessons…and perhaps join a choir in the future. Next to this you can also shake me awake for jogging and biking. I am really looking forward to my long distance biking holiday!

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