
Third Management & Leadership training successfully completed in SEAD Rwanda project


Over the course of the past months, the third round of the Cyclical Management & Leadership training was provided by Maastricht School of Management (MSM) to educational middle management of Rwandan Universities and TVET institutions. The training existed out of four hands-on and practice-oriented sessions aiming to strengthen the participant’s management and leadership competences.

The first delivery of the SEAD Cyclical Management & Leadership (M&L) training started in 2018 as middle managers in Rwandan universities and TVET institutions often start their managerial job without prior management knowledge or experience. After successful training deliveries in 2018/2019 and 2019/2020, the third Cyclical M&L training kicked off in January 2021 and was aimed at staff in the institutions with a long term or permanent middle management position, more specifically non-academic middle management and long term academic middle management of IPRC’s, UR (CAVM,CBE, CST) and INES Ruhengeri.

4 Courses to strengthen management and leadership competences
The first course was on Planning & Monitoring and taught by Leo Kerklaan. The five-day course focused on analyzing the actual performance of the participants’ department in relation to external development, on initiating improvement and developing implementation plans and monitoring performance. After the first training session, the participants were given an assignment to really make them understand and reflect on what they learned.

The following month Rui Santos took over and provided the participants with knowledge, tools and instruments to effectively manage organizational projects and processes. Rui is an experienced Project Management trainer and shared his knowledge and insights on among others the fundamentals of projects and processes, structural elements in a project and how they interact as part of a logical model and the project life cycle.

The third session was on Leadership & Teams, where Miriam Frijns provided the participants with skills to strengthen their practical, interpersonal and leadership skills. The participants were able to develop their soft skills in delegating, providing feedback, motivational speaking, conflict handling and team management. The final five-day course of the Cyclical M&L training was on Culture & Change and provided by Dr. Geert Heling. In this last session the focus was on designing and managing a change program that included organizational culture change.

In order to receive an MSM diploma for the Cyclical M&L course the participants had to actively participate in the courses as well as successfully complete four individual assignments.

About SEAD / SEADWest
The SEADWest project is managed by Maastricht School of Management (MSM) and is strongly aligned to the currently running SEAD project under Nuffic NICHE. Where SEAD is focusing on the poultry, dairy, horticulture and potato value chains in the Northern, Eastern and Southern provinces, SEADWest is contributing to food & nutrition security in Western province of Rwanda. The project will build new and strengthen existing partnerships to boost agricultural value chain development and ensures equal opportunities, labor market relevance and strengthening management of the chain actors for sustainability.

Orange Knowledge Programme
This project is part of the Orange Knowledge Programme (OKP) which is funded by the Netherlands’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs and managed by Nuffic. For more information click here.

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