
Obituary Yap Kie Han


We received the sad news of the passing away of Mr. Yap Kie Han, MSc on 12 February 2022 at the age of 96.

Mr. Yap Kie Han has been instrumental in the foundation of RVB (Research Instituut voor Bedrijfswetenschappen) in 1952, the origin of Maastricht School of Management. He played a key-role in the further development of the RVB institute and its first international activities in the 50s.

On the occasion of MSM’s 50th anniversary in 2002, Mr. Yap Kie Han was invited to the celebrations and received an honorary medal as one of the pioneers in the development of MSM.

Mr. Yap Kie Han developed many international training courses and handbooks varying from Small Scale Industries, Regional planning to Reliability Systems engineering.

Our hearts go out to Mr. Yap Kie Han’s family and loved ones, and we wish them strength, as they grieve this painful loss.