Great Lakes Region Project proposal call received many responses
With support from NICHE-GLR-258, ICGLR-RTF (the project’s beneficiary organisation) sent out a call for proposals to all affiliated trainers and experts (trained with project funds in the past three years) working in the 12 African ICGLR member states.
This call for proposals was twofold. One, interested trainers/experts could propose to gather data and write a research report on the current situation in their country as a consequence of Covid-19 based on standard research questions. Two, they could generate and develop a solution to reach 100 or more professionals in their country working with SGBV survivors and/or perpetrators to sensitise them on sexual and gender based violence (SGBV) issues during Covid-19.
In June 2020 ICGLR-RTF received 37 proposals from 11 different countries. From these proposals, 17 were selected to be funded (between 1500 and 2500 USD each). The first products, as a result of the proposed plans, are expected beginning of August 2020. Exemplary questions that are answered: "How is the nature and form of SGBV that is perpetrated during the COVID-19 period in your country different from the SGBV before?” and "Describe four to eight SGBV cases. What is your understanding/judgment of whether the due process is being followed during the COVID-19 in each case? Use your own background (in judicial, police, psychosocial and/or medical) to answer this question.”
As for the training, the affiliated trainers/experts have come up with modalities that fit within the Covid restrictions of their countries, sensitising and training participants through online workshops, business radio, meetings (with social distancing) and blended training.
This project is part of Nuffic NICHE
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