
Understanding the Role of Transportation in Facilitating Tourism Experience - Online DBA defense


On 4 December2020, Mr. Gamal Naser successfully defended his DBA thesis with the title 'Understanding the Role of Transportation in Facilitating Tourism Experience'.

"The DBA at MSM has been transformational and a highly rewarding journey from both the theoretical and practical perspectives. The program has offered an exceptional training on research methods and theory, equally the research study has provided a valuable experience and gave me immense opportunity to capture first-hand knowledge, from top-line executives, global experts, industry leaders, university professors, policy makers and tourists themselves." Dr. Gamal Naser finalized his DBA journey with a successful thesis defense, which was held in an online session.

About Dr. Gamal Naser's research
Tourists’ mobility requirements are evolving, and transportation systems should develop to meet altering travellers’ preferences and expectations. The focus of the research is to provide a framework that underpins the role of transportation in shaping the Mediterranean tourism experience.

The detailed investigation captured data from 9 different destinations, across 5 countries (Italy, Spain, Egypt, France and Greece), presenting the diverse views of destinations ‘experts, operators, policy makers, and tourists towards defining an adequate mobility system at a tourism destination. The aim is to understand the essence of a positive experience across different profiles at a variety of destinations, accordingly, help destinations in planning, managing, and promoting their transportation service offer.

The study findings propose designing a comprehensive system that connects all the mobility stakeholders on the physical and the informational fronts (infrastructure, climate, traffic systems data, airport information, mobility players). Tourists will be able to consume mobility in real time as integrated service across a connected network inventory. 

The smart system is suggested to guide tourists to the most seamless and sustainable mobility option according to their different capacities and preferences. The proposed interactive solution delivers customer centric data and relevant services such as trip planning, recommendations, real-time timetables, dynamic booking, and integrated ticketing.

Consequently, destinations are poised for a huge opportunity to complement their tourism offer, enhance their competitiveness, and optimise the use of their infrastructure and resources, while offering a personalised, sustainable, and efficient service.

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