
Business Training and Coaching skills course for Accra Technical University


Divided over 2 weeks, David Cass provided a 4-day online training to staff from Accra Technical University on the topic of Business Training and Coaching Skills. This was the 4th module out of 5 modules of the Nuffic Orange Knowledge Program Tailor-Made-Training titled “Developing ATU staff competences to design a commercial Agri-business course targeted at female entrepreneurs.”

David Cass who has a wide range of entrepreneurial and leadership experience guided the participants in an interactive way through the 4-day online business training course. To stay close to the topic of the Tailor-Made-Training project, which is preparing ATU staff to develop a commercial agri-business course for female entrepreneurs, the participants memory was refreshed on the topic of female entrepreneurship, which was the focus of the previous module. By refreshing their memory on female entrepreneurship, during this training that knowledge was connected to leadership and how to support female entrepreneurs. The participants learned about how to coach and built the confidence of a female entrepreneur.

Furthermore, many materials were shared for the participants to read and prepare beforehand in order to make the module interactive during screentime. The participants carried out group activities such as a negotiation exercises where they had to negotiate with one another based on the role they were given. This was an efficient method to get the participants out of their comfort zone and learn to empathize and adapt to a certain situation that can occur in business. Also, the participants social skills were tested and developed. Special attention was given to develop the skills of giving a good presentation and elevator pitch and how to effectively network.

During the final two days, the participants gathered all in one room instead of joining in online from different locations. It was important for the participants to be physically present in one location as they were carrying out multi-team project learning scenarios. With the participants being in one room, David, who was online, taught them about agile tools and scrum. By being together in a room they had to immediately put the newly gained knowledge into practice.

By attending this training module on Business Training and Coaching Skills, the staff from Accra Technical University is now better equipped with how to coach entrepreneurs and businesses and working in an agile manner.

Next training module
The next and final module as part of this Tailor-Made-Training will be on Course Packaging by MSM Consultant Vin Morar. 

Orange Knowledge Programme
This Tailor-Made-Training is part of the Orange Knowledge Programme (OKP) which is funded by the Netherlands’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs and managed by Nuffic. For more information click here.

MSM's Expert Centre on Emerging Economies

This TMT is part of MSM’s Expert Centre on Emerging Economies. The department is an is an expert centre on local economic development in emerging and developing markets.​ We capacitate managers and professionals from government, private sector, NGOs, and post-secondary education in Africa, Asia, Middle East, and Latin America. We offer consultancy and customized training programs, and we manage complex projects in key sectors, e.g. water, agriculture and health. For more information click here.

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