
MSM Graduation Ceremony 2023


On Thursday 14 September 2023, MSM organises its Annual Graduation Ceremony. During the Ceremony the degrees of Master in Management and Master of Business Administration will be awarded.

The Ceremony will start at 14.00 hrs CEST and will end at 17.00 hrs CEST, followed by a dinner party until 23.00 hrs CEST.

The awarding of the degrees and awards is the most important part of the Ceremony - the long-expected moment for our students. To celebrate this memorable moment, the Ceremony will be enriched with a keynote address, graduate valedictory speeches and a musical intermezzo. 

The Graduation Ceremony will be broadcast through a livestream, so graduates who cannot attend, as well as family and friends of graduates, and other guests can follow the ceremony online. 

Preliminary Programme

Subject to change

14.00 hrs. Welcome - Mr. Meinhard Gans, Director MSM                                                         
14.15 hrs. Keynote address - Mrs. Florisa De Leo Magambi, Founder Kibébé Ltd./Director Inua Advocacy,
MSM MBA alumna
14.30 hrs. Awarding of the degrees
15.45 hrs Musical intermezzo - MSM Quartet
16.00 hrs. Student awards
16.10 hrs. Valedictory speeches graduates
16.30 hrs. Speech Prof.dr. Mariëlle Heijltjes - Dean Maastricht University School of Business and Economics
16.40 hrs Closing remarks - Dr. Stuart Dixon, Director of Academics MSM
18.00 hrs. - 23:00 hrs. Dinner party at Rebelle Maastricht

Key-note speaker

Florisa De Leo Magambi

Florisa De Leo Magambi was born in Milan, Italy in 1976. Her passion for languages and her interest for other cultures took her to Europe from her teenage years, and eventually she lived and worked in the UK, France and Germany in the tourism and corporate sectors for several years.

A spiritual conversion in 2003 caused Florisa to shift her worldview, she became involved in her local community and on international campaigns, and began spending time in Malawi and Uganda, before finally settling in Malawi in 2008, starting a long-term commitment to people living in Dzaleka refugee camp with her husband Innocent, himself a former refugee.

While setting up a charity that offers refugees and local people access to education and vocational training opportunities, Florisa and Innocent had their first child: their daughter Mwiza, who was born with a rare brain malformation called Holoprosencephaly. Mwiza lived twenty difficult months and had multiple surgeries – during that time she inspired Florisa to design sensory baby toys using African Print textile.

In collaboration with women living in the refugee camp, Florisa slowly began making toys, décor and accessories, initially selling them to friends, and then at the small farmers market in Lilongwe, Malawi. It soon became evident that this initiative had power to connect the skilled but isolated women of the refugee camp, with people who cared for beautiful and ethical products outside. Thirteen years later, KIBEBE is a registered enterprise staffed by Malawian women, and powered by a workforce of artisans living in and around Dzaleka, some of whom live with disabilities, or care for children with disabilities. Products are sold widely in Malawi, as well as online in the United States.

Florisa received a “knighthood” for her work in solidarity with refugees by the President of the Republic of Italy, while KIBEBE received awards by UN SEED, as well as by the President of the Republic of Malawi, for its social and ecological impact.

Aside from leading KIBEBE, Florisa supports her husband Innocent with refugee rights advocacy work, and together they raise three sons: Teo, Sam and Jo.

Florisa holds an MBA from Maastricht School of Management.


The MSM Graduation Ceremony is on invitation only. The registration link will be shared via the invitation.