Global Network Conference 2022

On 14 September 2022, MSM organised a successful Global Network Conference in a hybrid format. Below you can find presentations, speeches and recommendations disseminated at the conference. In addition, you can have a look at the video and photos of the day, and read more about the conference in the news item.

Keynote speeches and presentations

The Power of Africa inclusivity in Business and Governance - Chief of Justice Meaza Ashenafi

A Business Perspective on Greening the Global Economy - Andre Dellevoet

Climate Change and the Impact of Private Capital Flows - Julián Cardona

A Policy Perspective on Digital Economy - Dr. Rose Ngugi

Recommendations from the working groups

Climate Smart Agriculture - Hans Nijhoff

Inclusive Organisations and Approaches - Gigi Limpens

Youth Employabiliy in the Digital Era - Dr. Julius Gatune, Dr. Solomon Tassie


Please find here the compilation video of the day.

Photo impression

Via this link you can see a photo impression of the day.

News item

To read more about the day, check out the news item.