MSM Academic Conference Zoom links

Please find below the program of the MSM Academic Conference plus the Zoom links.

9.30 hrs.        Opening                                                            
Dr. Diederik de Boer  
Associate Professor Sustainable Business Development and Director Expert Center for Emerging Economies at MSM
Zoom link:
Click here
Meeting ID: 951 6942 0379
9.40 hrs. Keynote address: Industrial policy - best practices for Emerging Economies Prof. Ha-Joon Chang
Professor of Political Economy of Development
at Cambridge University
Zoom link:
Click here
Meeting ID: 951 6942 0379
10.15 hrs. Q and A session
Zoom link:
Click here
Meeting ID: 951 6942 0379
10.30 hrs. Break
10.40 hrs. Parallel sessions - Paper presentations
Triple helix constructs for local and industrial development:
Zoom link:
Click here
Meeting ID: 925 8514 5629

Climate smart agriculture & water efficiency
and ecosystem development
Zoom link:
Click here
Meeting ID: 970 1786 9784
Inclusive development
(focus on gender and youth)
Zoom link:
Click here
Meeting ID: 939 0038 3682
12.15 hrs. Lunch Break
13.15 hrs. Book presentation on the Emerging New Global Economy  Prof. Dr. Harald Sander, Professor of Economics at MSM
Zoom link:
Click here
Meeting ID: 951 6942 0379
13.30 hrs. Keynote address: Industrial policy - the case of South Korea Dr. Kwan S. Kim, Emeritus Professor at Kellog Institute for International Studies
Zoom link:
Click here
Meeting ID: 951 6942 0379
14.00 hrs. Q and A
Zoom link:
Click here
Meeting ID: 951 6942 0379
14.10 hrs. Break
14.15 hrs. Parallel sessions - Paper presentations
Value chain development for countries
in transition
Zoom link:
Click here
Meeting ID: 925 8514 5629

Climate smart agriculture & water efficiency and ecosystem development
Zoom link:
Click here
Meeting ID: 970 1786 9784

Enabling impact and sustainable finance
Zoom link:
Click here
Meeting ID: 939 0038 3682 
15.45 hrs. Break
15.55 hrs. Keynote address: Triple Helix Prof. Henry Etzkowitz,   
President & Co-Founder of the International
Triple Helix Institute 
Zoom link:
Click here
Meeting ID: 951 6942 0379
16.30 hrs. Q and A
Zoom link:
Click here
Meeting ID: 951 6942 0379
16.40 hrs. Closing remarks Prof. Meine Pieter van Dijk  
Senior Project Consultant at MSM
Zoom link:
Click here
Meeting ID: 951 6942 0379