Project references

Strengthening WASH Expertise in Sierra Leone

MSM will provide support to GTI in the following areas:

  • Establishing a ‘fit for purpose’ Polytechnic meeting the demand for skilled WASH professionals: will require helping GTI through a process of organisation reform, and setting a direction for the new Polytechnic. MSM will train the senior GTI team in the fundamentals of Polytechnic/University management and develop their core competencies in areas such as Project Management, team building, etc.
  • Unlocking the skills and expertise needed for Sierra Leone’s WASH sector through activities supported by MSM: developing a GTI WASH TVET Curriculum working in collaboration with the NCTVAA and gaining input and buy-in from MEST and the two WASH sector Ministries. We will carry out a WASH sector capacity needs assessment, and ensure relevance through private sector and other stakeholder input; developing appropriate WASH degree-level, City and Guilds, and reformed NCTVAA courses that will meet real existing and projected demands in the sector; Building the pedagogical expertise of GTI trainers and educators; making WASH education and training more accessible to women and the disabled; fostering private sector linkages and jointly developing apprenticeship and internship programmes with employers.

The Long-term overall objective (goal): WASH expertise in Sierra Leone is strengthened to meet existing and projected demand in private, public, and non-government sectors

The project will run from February 2019 until January 2021