Project references

Strengthening Skills and Training Capacity in the Horticulture Sector in Tanzania

The project concentrates on the horticulture sub-sector in Tanzania. It’s based on the fundamental notion that improving the quality and employability of ATVET graduates should be based on the needs of the labour market. The National Council for Technical Education (NACTE) and three ATVET colleges are being capacitated to introduce gender sensitive and market driven (blended learning) programs and to perform inclusive value chain management, food safety, production teaching, technology transfer and industry extension (incl. apprenticeships).

The project will focus on four main output areas:

  • Curriculum review and development
  • Institutional capacity development at NACTE and 3 ATVETs
  • Entrepreneurship development
  • The establishment of a triple helix horticulture innovation platform

The project pays specific attention to inclusion of women and disadvantaged groups. Labour market relevance and public-private partnerships (Tanzania-Dutch) are key elements of the project approach.

The project runs from 01 June 2019 until 31 December 2021