Project references

Strengthening skills and training capacity in the horticulture sector in Uganda

This project aims at strengthening the skills to improve the horticultural situation in Uganda. This is mainly achieved via strengthening the educational situation at A-TVET level.

The project will focus on three main output areas: curriculum review and development, institutional capacity development at Kyambogo University (KYU) and Bukalasa Agricultural College (BAC) and the establishment of a triple helix horticulture innovation platform. Main activities of the project will be curriculum development, module development, training of teachers in activating didactics, strengthening linkages with the horticultural practise, and stimulating horticultural entrepreneurship.

The project will be implemented in close cooperation between horticultural stakeholders in Uganda like educational institutes and representatives of the horticultural sector and a Dutch consortium that is representing A-TVET horticultural education as well as higher education and the Dutch horticultural business sector.

Type of service provided:

  • Needs assessment of labour market;
  • Set-up Triple Helix Platform
  • Development of work place and apprenticeship programs
  • Satellite programs
  • Mentorship programs
  • Training and incubator programs
  • Practical skills training

 This project runs from June 2019 until December 2021