Project references

Preventing retraumatisation of SGBV survivors in DRC Training health care professionals in North and South Kivu to provide holistic care to survivors of SGBV in DRC

The Military Hospital and Police Hospitals in Goma (DRC) and the Military and Police Hospitals in Bukavu (DRC) are four referral hospitals in North and South Kivu for survivors of SGBV including conflict related rape. Lack of knowledge and limited gender sensitivity of medical staff on causes and consequences of SGBV and rape can retraumatise survivors. The training of medical care providers aimed to improve services and access to appropriate care for male and female survivors of SGBV and conflict related rape. 

The TMT trained health care providers to (1) create awareness and understanding of causes and consequences of SGBV and conflict related rape of men and women, (2) increase skills and knowledge on SRHR to be included in their consults, (3) engage family members/partners during and after the treatment process, and (4) increase access for SGBV survivors to adequate medical care.

Subjects of the TMT:

  1. Gender roles and SGBV
  2. Definitions and explanations of SGBV, conflict related rape, and SRHR
  3. Talking about sex, sexuality and violence
  4. Consequences SGBV for males and females: medical, psycho-social, economical
  5. Impact on family and partner relations: how to engage partners/family of survivors
  6. Integrating new knowledge and skills in services for survivors
  7. Holistic care and referral systems

The 3-day trainings were organised for medical staff in the four different hospitals. Staff members were selected that were directly working with SGBV survivors, resulting in a total of some 120 medical staff members that were trained.

The enthusiasm of hospital staff to participate in the trainings was overwhelming; the knowledge and skills on how to (effectively) deal with SGBV cases appeared to be limited and the eagerness to do this better was great. The knowledge on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) that these health care providers gained contributes to prevention of re-abuse, intimate partner violence and severe health consequences for men and women.

Type of service provided:
MSM facilitated the setup of the project, the finances and managed the project. LPI took responsibilty for content, quality control, pre- and posttesting and the training itself. The following steps were taken in order to implement the trainings:

  1. Plan: Drafting detailed activities and timeframe including selection of participants.
  2. Prepare and pre-test: Identifying additional knowledge and skills gaps (next to already observed general issues) amongst health care professionals in relation to treating SGBV survivors through surveys and interviews.
  3. Manual: Adding, if necessary, to the existing curriculum manual of RTF/LPI based on outcomes of 2.
  4. Training: Train participants based on developed manual.
  5. Evaluate: Post-test and identify areas for improvement. 
  6. Conference: Each hospital organised a conference for knowledge dissemination and development of action plans.

The tailor made training will run from July 2019 until June 2020