Project references

LMSINDO: Link and Match SMK in Indonesia Strengthening Teacher Training in TVET Agriculture in Nusa Tenggara Timor (NTT)

The aim of the multiple-year project is to strengthen SMK teacher training on national and regional level by enhancing the educational and organizational capacities of the MoA POLBANGTAN system and SMKs, assisting SMK-PP Kupang to upgrade to the status of agricultural polytechnic. Furthermore it’s important to strengthen linkages on national and provincial level by establishing collaborative frameworks between education, government and the private sector (triple helix). The project will strengthen the overall agriculture teacher training further by bringing the Ministry of Agriculture into the project framework, creating robust and seamless coordination to prepare scaling up process.

The sustainability of the partnership will be enhanced through a mix of activities, such as institutional empowerment, full alignment with vocational education system of MoA, ToT, improved curriculum and teaching methodologies/approaches and training facilities, (international) study visits, project piloting and scaling up. The project will also address crosscutting issues such as: environmental sustainability, gender equality and equal access for every community members, including marginalized people.

The project will run from August 2019 until December 2021