Frans .J.M. Tummers, MA

Mr. Frans Tummers (1941) started his career as a marketing trainee with Unilever after studying Political Sciences. He was Research Director in the UK for Unilever, Executive Vice President Unilever Food Southern Europe and became Chairman of the Board of Unilever Netherlands (1998 – 2001). After his last position, he retired, but is still very much active in different Company Boards, commissions and foundations.

Besides being Vice Chairman of the Board of the Maastricht School of Management his most important current positions are (a.o.) member of the Board at Heineken Netherlands, Shell Netherlands, Member of the Executive Board of the Dutch Employers Organization (VNO/NCW) and Chairman of the International Chamber of Commerce.

Frans Tummers has been Vice Chairman of the MSM Board since 1 July 2004.